Mrithyunjaya Homam or Mrithyunjaya Homa

Mrithyunjaya Homam helps to moderate the dangers to life due to serious ills. This Homam is dedicated to Lord Shiva to avoid untimely death. It is performed to get cure from chronic illness and lead a healthy life. Mrityunjaya' literally means one who has conquered death. It is an epithet of Lord Shiva who is beyond the grasp of death. Death is the greatest fear that afflicts every human being and Lord Shiva grants freedom from the fear of death to those who surrender to him. There are two beautiful incidents described in the Puranas about Lord Shiva's power over death. When Chandra or Soma, the moon god, was cursed by his father-in-law Daksha that he would suffer from gradual degeneration and die, Chandra is said to have worshipped Lord Shiva by chanting the Mrityunjaya mantra on the shores of Saurasthra and got relieved of the terrible curse. The lingam made by the moon god is today worshipped as the famous Somanatha Jyotirlinga. The second instance is the story of how the young boy Markandeya fought Death by worshipping with great devotion. When Yama, the god of death came at the destined hour to take Markandeya's sould away, the 16yr old boy remained clinging to the Shivalingam he worshipped and Yama's noose enveloped the Shivalingam also. At this, Lord Shiva appeared in his fierce form and chided Yama for trying to put his noose around him and his devotee Markandeya. The Mrityunjaya homa is performed with offerings of Durva grass (known for its quality of purifying blood) and a herb called Amritha, sesame, Karuka leaves, milk, and palpayasam. The Mrityunjaya mantra is chanted while performing the homa, the mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva which reads, "O Lord, release me from bondage (of death & rebirth) as effortlessly as a ripe pumpkin releases itself from its mother plant." This homa is performed to cure chronic ailments, life threating conditions, to overcome the evil effects of enemies, danger or fear of accidents, to attain a long and healthy life.
For performing Mrithyunjaya Homam contact us in or  call us : 91 9487388509

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