Maha Sudarshana Homam

This homam is generally performed to accomplish any task successfully and also for prosperity. Other benefits include removal of negative energies, healing of the body and mind. This is a very powerful homam and a corporation aspiring for overall growth and success can opt for this homam. This homam also has a yantra (the yantra is a copper plate with special sacred symbols) that has the power to dispel all negative thoughts and attract positive thoughts essential for success.
As a sadhaka participates with all his heart and as various offerings like molten butter, herbs, sticks of certain trees are offered into the sacrificial fire along with the powerful chanting of mantras, the energy generated enables the sadhaka to tune into the Cosmic consciousness or God whereby his prayers are answered. It is well known that the presence of fire has an immediate bearing on the sadhaka’s Kundalini and the energy fields of that place which makes prayer all the more easier. The time taken to perform a homa can be anything between 1hr. to 3hrs depending on the nature of the homa. Certain homas include certain rituals while certain others include a different set of rituals.

It's for overall success. This homa is generally performed to accomplish any task successfully and also for prosperity. Other benefits include removal of negative energies, healing of the body and mind. This is a very powerful homa and a corporation aspiring for overall growth and success can opt for this homa. This homa also has a yantra (the yantra is a copper plate with special sacred symbols) that has the power to dispel all negative thoughts and attract positive thoughts essential for success.
Sudarshana is the personification of the Discus held by Lord Vishnu. It is representative of the all-pervading Cosmic Mind. Sudarshana is one of the wrathful" deities and is invoke along with Narasimha for protecting the spiritual aspirant from all negative forces that may be at work disturbing their lives and their Dharma practice. The ritual can also be used as a type of exorcism which removes elementals and other troublesome astral entities as well as counteracting curses and spells.
Lord Sudarshana is the chief deity of this powerful Homam who uses his mighty weapon “Chakra” to grant immediate relief to the sufferings of his devotees. Also, your sins are abolished by his grace. Lord Sudarshana/Narayana is considered as the first step to be adopted in the concept of realization of God.

For performing Maha Sudharsana homam contact us in or  call us : 91 9487388509

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